Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Google Search Engine Analysis

Google is the fastest growing search engine, and is one of the largest public databases of information that exist today. Approximately 80% of all Internet searches are done using Google, through and the network of sites licensing the Google search results (AOL, Netscape, iWon, Compuserve, Alexa, and many of others).

Google is an amazing search engine. You can add your url for free. Google doesn't care what kind of files you have on your site - it will index almost anything. And Google ranks your site according to pretty standard algorithms, except for one really neat factor - your site is ranked in part based on the number and quality of sites that have linked back to it. A critical element of the link to your site is the phrase in the link. If the link has the words really amazing website, then your site will get a slightly higher search rank for the phrase really amazing website.

Google also doesn't seem to have any editor "quality rating" system, a system adapted by AltaVista, Yahoo!, and LookSmart affiliated search engines which gives higher ranking to sites based upon subjective evaluations of editors.

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